Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Edmonton
We offer Edmonton BHRT & TRT
At TruMed, all of our practitioners deal heavily with hormonal concerns.
Although our Naturopathic Doctors offer various hormone balancing therapies, occasionally our patients require stronger interventions.
In 2024, we began to offer both Bioidentical Hormone and Testosterone Replacement Therapy (BHRT & TRT) at our Edmonton clinic.
Our Nurse Practitioner Melisse Smith helps our patients with their BHRT goals.
BHRT and TRT are the strongest available hormone modifying therapies available.
HRT Indications
Heavy Menses
Low Libido
Low Energy
Weight Gain Endometriosis
Healthy Aging
Bone Health
Bioidentical Hormones in Edmonton
Hormone Testing
Blood Hormone Testing - For BHRT, we often start with blood based hormone testing.
Our Nurse Practitioner can provide complimentary testing through Alberta Health.
Blood based hormone testing is the lowest priced testing with the fastest turnaround.
Certain parameters are only tested through the blood such as Thyroid and pituitary hormones.
Blood tests allows easy communication between our Naturopathic Doctors, Nurse Practitioner and other health care providers.
Salivary Hormone Testing - A tried and true method for spot hormone testing.
Salivary testing is medium cost, and allows patients to test at specific dates and times with ease.
Salivary hormones reflect free hormones that actually reach the target tissues.
Testing is conveniently done at home and involves no needles.
Assessing Cortisol at multiple specific time points is an advantage of salivary testing.
Salivary testing can be used for BHRT monitoring but this is not our preference primarily due to cost.
Urinary Hormone Testing - Considered the gold standard for understanding hormone metabolism.
Urinary testing is high cost but gives tremendous detail with nutritional parameters.
DUTCH Testing (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) is what our clinic uses.
Cortisol, Estrogens and Androgens and their metabolic pathways.
Convenient at-home testing with no needles such as salivary hormone testing.
DUTCH Testing give us data on Methylation, Glutathione, Dopamine and Melatonin.

Bioidentical Hormones
Bioidentical hormones refers to sex hormones, such as Estrogen and Progesterone that have the same chemical and molecular structure as the endogenous version (produced in the body).
Using identical hormones allows for the ideal attachment to its respective receptor.
Synthetic hormones have structural modifications that may allowing for latching with other hormone receptors, which can result in side effects.
Furthermore, those modifications may give "incomplete signals" to their desired receptors and increase the rate of failure to produce the desired effect.
BHRT Hormones
Estradiol (E2) - the most potent and abundant Estrogen with beneficial effects on cholesterol, bone health, memory, mood and energy.
Estradiol is typically compounded with Estriol in a formulation called "Bi-Est" for HRT.
Estriol (E3) - it's 80% weaker than Estradiol and considerable evidence shows it's protective against breast cancer.
Estriol is often prescribed as a cream for vaginal health (dryness, flora and pH).
Progesterone - the natural counterbalance to Estrogens, it has a range of benefits including enhancing sleep, reduces anxiety, and promotes metabolism.
Progesterone is commonly given orally for sleep & anxiety, as well as topically in cream format.
Testosterone - produced in both men and women, increases sexual interest, emotional wellbeing, memory, muscle mass and bone strength.
Testosterone is only given topically for BHRT purposes as orally it affects the liver adversely.
DHEA - A weak male hormone that has significant anti-aging effects (overall well-being, depression, anxiety, energy level, sexuality).
DHEA is given orally primarily but can be given both topically and vaginally.
Why would I need Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Hormone levels tend of change and decline with age until their production sharply drops (andropause and menopause) which can then result in a range of "low hormone" symptoms including fatigue, loss of libido, hot flashes, weight gain as well as altered memory and mood.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy allows for restoration of hormones to their more "youthful levels."
Why do I know if I need Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Our clinic in Edmonton relies primarily on testing in addition to clinical symptoms to determine if HRT is right for you - the exact testing will be determined in your initial consultation.
We work with all available hormone testing methodologies (blood, urine & saliva).
Is Hormone Replacement Therapy safe?
Data on HRT increasing risk of heart disease, stroke and breast cancer came from the Women's Health Initiative study looking at oral, synthetic Estrogens and Progesterone.
Unlike either synthetic oral hormones, bioidentical hormones are primarily applied topically bypassing the liver which avoids certain adverse hormonal, cardiovascular and inflammatory consequences.
Furthermore, preparations do not use E1 (Estrone) which is considered the "harmful" Estrogen.
Lastly, synthetic Estrogens and Progesterone (Progestins) have many common side effects because of receptor "cross talk" that occurs because of the ways they have been altered.
E3N study was published in 2008 and found combined Estradiol with natural Progesterone, the relative risk of breast cancer was 1.00, as in, no increased risk.
Newer guidelines do suggest Hormone Replacement for younger postmenopausal women with moderate to severe symptoms (and no contraindications to estrogen use).
Primarily because the Women's Health Initiative demonstrated the adverse effects in older postmenopausal women (over 60) and this is not the age group that presents with menopausal symptoms (usually late 40s and early 50s).
Thyroid Hormone Replacement
At our Edmonton clinic, our practitioners often detect milder cases of Hypothyroidism, where serum levels of free T4 and free T3 are often in the normal range (though typically in the low-normal range).
Even in these milder cases, they often have pronounced symptoms including fatigue, weight gain, low mood and menstrual irregularity.
Although herbs and nutrients can stimulate and improve Thyroid values - clinically, they often fall flat in terms symptom management.
At our Edmonton office, we work with numerous Thyroid Hormone Replacement options.
Hypothyroid Symptoms
Low Energy
Weight Gain
Low Libido
Dry Skin
Irregular Menses
Fluid Retention
Poor Memory
Muscle Aches
Reduce Immunity
Thyroid Preparations
Synthroid - contains T4, which is a relatively inactive Thyroid hormone that needs to be converted to T3 which is the principle active hormone.
A significant minority of hypothyroid patients have insufficient symptomatic improvement after treatment with Synthroid - likely due to conversion obstacles.
Desiccated Thyroid - Is animal derived and contains approximately 80% T4 and 20% T3, as well as T1 and T2 which are all also secreted by the human Thyroid gland so it is a much closer approximation of what we produce.
We have seen many of our Edmonton patients respond dramatically better to Desiccated Thyroid compared to Synthroid - which is likely related to the higher T3 level so it's our top Thyroid HRT option.
Cytomel - Pure T3, which is the most biologically active Thyroid hormone can be added to T4 preparations or given on its own in both immediate release and slow release format.
T3 is one option to augment Synthroid or can provide a "boost" for those with slightly suboptimal T3 levels for symptoms such as fatigue or weight gain.
Questions about HRT?
We can help (780) 757-8378